This is Miss Chicken
Yes, that is her name. Miss Chicken is 13 years old going on 2 sometimes. She has a personality as big as her ears. Miss Chicken lived her whole life with a family that loved her but when she reached her golden years they could no longer offer her a safe environment so they brought her to us. Miss Chicken is heartworm-positive but we are working on that. We think that she must have been the pack leader because she sure doesn't put up with anyone else telling her what to do. She lives in her own little apartment here (or should I say half of the house) with Riggins.
Riggins came to us after his owner had a stroke and moved to a nursing home. Riggins was loved all his life by one person. His hearing is failing now and he sleeps most of the day but he is happy rooming with Miss Chicken. They have their own doggie door and their own little yard to explore when they want to.